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PDCA Process


Incremental Improvement Model

The Beliefs

We Can Make Things Better Every Day.

Incremental Improvement Now is Far Superior to Delayed Perfection.

The Effects

bulletBenefits are realized sooner.
bulletBenefits are retained over time.
bulletWe learn as we go.
bulletWork is reduced, improved or eliminated.
bulletQuality Improves.
bulletLosses are Reduced.
bulletProblems are solved permanently.


Strategy Points

bulletContinuously Improve Process & Product.
bulletFocus On Manageable Increments.
bulletPrioritize Your Focus.
bulletRealize Incremental Benefits Quickly.
bulletBe Impatient for Improvement

Improvement Methods

bulletClearly Define Problems & Opportunities
bulletUse PDCA Process to Improve
bulletUse Metrics to Measure Performance
bulletInvolve Everyone
bulletCommunicate Openly
bulletUse Your People's Ideas.
Most people want to make things better. They need processes designed to help them do so and leaders who utilize the power of their ideas.

Use Metrics to communicate what is important and be impatient to see results. You communicate the importance of Improvement by doing so.

If you do these things, you will be amazed how fast you can improve upon problems or take advantage of opportunities. You will soon be Making It Better Every Day.


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For Creative Business Improvement Solutions Contact: Gene Dennebaum at
Copyright © Wingman Enterprises of NH. All rights reserved.
Last modified: 02/28/08.